
Comparing our scientific and technological potential with collegues from the Czech Republuc

Within inter-regional cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Czech Republic, was an official visit of the delegation from Krai Vysocin, headed by the hetman (governor) Irji Begounek, deputy of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic to the Minsk region. Vysocin Region is the administrative unit of the Czech Republic, located in the southeast of the historical region. The name of the region comes from Czech-Moravian Upland, which occupies most of its territory, located between Prague and Brno. The land is located in the heart of the Czech Republic. Part of its territory belongs to historical Bohemia and another part – to Moravia. Currently, Vysocina is becoming one of the most dynamically developing regions of the Czech Republic.

On February 17, 2019, Czech delegation, headed by Irji Begounek, visited the Belarusian National Technical University and Science and Technology Park of BNTU “Polytechnic”. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Belarus Tomash Pernicky came to BNTU together with the delegation. The main purpose of the visit and negotiations was the organization of scientific, technical and innovative cooperation of medical technology. For this the delegation also consisted of representatives of the MEDIN complany, which due to the huge amount of its assortiment belongs to the largest European manufacturers of medical devices. The range of its products consists of four main product groups: traumatology, surgery, orthopedics and dentistry.

MEDIN employees Mirek Gavlichek and Ivana Cheykova drew attention to the huge export potential of high-tech medical devices developed and manufactured with the participation of design engineers and belarusian medical scientists from leading medical institutions of the country.

The famous scientist, professor of BNTU Minchenya Vladimir  presented these products to the guests. The guests were shown a line of medical devices for cardiovascular surgery, which technical and economic specifications are not interferior to the best world analogues. The great interest of professionals was attracted by the range of products for bone osteosynthesis. Artem Vecherko, engineer of the scientific and innovative sector of medical technology, who presented materials of this line, drew attention of the guests to the fact, that these materials are completely biologically and mechanically compatible with the tissues of the human body. Product innovation is protected by 24 patents for products and methods for their manufacturing. Totally, Science and Technology Park of BNTU “Polytechnic” had received 38 registration certificates for  manufacturing and sale of medical products.


Negotiations between belarusian and czech experts became important and useful, as they allowed us to compare our scientific and technological potential with the achievements and trends in medical science and practice. The parts identified further steps to organize joint work on several projects.

Thursday June 20th, 2019 News
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